Athlone Calvinist Protestant Church

Making it count for the kingdom because the time has come

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We must be like trees planted by the water, using the gifts of the Spirit to produce the fruits of the Spirit.
This is done through the power of the Holy Spirit in in the light of the second coming

Junior Worship Team

The goal of the Junior Worship Team is

  • To identify children in the church, as singers, to lead worship at children ministry gatherings and special children services;
  • To recruit more children to the Junior Worship Team who are interested to learn to play a musical instrument;
  • To enhance the knowledge of the children in respect of the theory and history of music as well as the playing of other musical instruments;
  • To have a Worship workshop in order to improve the understanding of & the role of Worship leading in the Church;
  • To encourage other Calvinist churches to start Junior Worship Team in their churches.

The aim and vision of this team is to provide young people and children with an opportunity to express themselves in the body of Christ using their musical talents.

We cater for young people and children who have musical training, currently undergoing musical training and those who have no musical training.

We gather every alternative Saturday at 13h30 to 16h00 in the church.